Qld Sunbeam Owners Car Club

The 2004 AGM was held at the home of Kevin & Lyle Elliott on 14/11/04 and was attended by 17 members. A very relaxed atmosphere was evident with a nice cool breeze keeping everyone in good spirits. ( NO- not the drinking kind ).

After the friendly greetings and nibbles the meeting got under way. Election of Officers saw the committee remain basically the same with the exception of Editor. Brian Powell volunteered to take on the job and give Kevin & Lyle a break after being involved with the club mag. for 9 years, in one form or another. They were congratulated and thanked for their untiring efforts for the clubs' wellbeing.

Awards for 2004 were presented, Greg Ashe receiving the "A for effort trophy" awarded for a contribution to the club above expectation. - The "Clubmanship award" was received by the Elliotts for the highest points for attending and organising activities. - The "Hard luck or Blooper award" will be presented at the Christmas party. I think it might go to someone who had their car dragged onto a truck in disgrace at the Show n Shine outing :)

After the election of Officers discussion was held on the progress of the National Rally to be held on 10th - 13th June, 2005, in Warwick, Queensland. I will be doing a web page on this soon.

With all the important business finished and done for, we then got on with the most important part of the day -- LUNCH !!!!!! This was put on by the club and served up so ably by the ladies present. A very pleasant event on the annual calendar.

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