Last Update -02/04/19 .
Sunbeam Owners Club of Queensland (SOCQ) was formed in June 1982. The
club resulted from a chance meeting between Neil Scope and Nick Newbury
who decided to find out just how many Sunbeams were still out there.
From an initial membership of 26, numbers have hovered around the 50 mark throughout
the nineties and the new millennium.
produce a monthly newsletter, Sunstate Newsbeams, and hold monthly
events. Our events are of a social nature including picnics, navigation
runs, gymkhanas and our annual show and shine. We also support various
classic car events organized by other clubs and
are annual participants in the National Sunbeam Meeting.
National Sunbeam Meeting is held each year on the weekend of the east
coast Queens Birthday holiday (June). The SOCQ, Sunbeam Owners Club
NSW, Sunbeam Car Club of Victoria and Sunbeam Car Owners Club of South
Australia take turns at organizing this event. International visitors
are most welcome.
currently on our register represent most post-war types, from the
Sunbeam-Talbot 10 and 2 litre through to the Talbot Sunbeam Lotus.
Pre-war Sunbeams are most welcome too.
Join Our Club - Membership is currently A$50 per annum. Click here for a membership form.
Newsletters - Please mail contributions for the newsletter to: PO Box 31 Underwood 4119, Queensland, Australia
Incorporated in Queensland under the Associations Incorporations Act 1981
Use The Sunbeam Auto Showroom web ring to find other Sunbeam-related web sites.